Q.A reinforced concrete beam 300 mm x 600 mm overall depth is reinforced with 4 bars of 20mm diameter at an effective 600 over what uniformly distributed load this beam can carry excluding self weight, over a simply supported span of 5 m. Assume M 25 grade concrete and Fe 415 steel. Use working stress method

Q.A reinforced concrete beam 300 mm x 600 mm overall depth is reinforced with 4 bars of 20mm diameter at an effective 600 over what uniformly distributed load this beam can carry excluding self weight, over a simply supported span of 5 m. Assume M 25 grade concrete and Fe 415 steel. Use working stress … Read more

ANALYSIS OF SINGLY REINFORCED SECTIONS – Effective depth, neutral axis, Lever arm, moment of resistance and Types of sections

ANALYSIS OF SINGLY REINFORCED SECTIONS  If the reinforced bars are provided only on tension side in the beam section, it is called as singly reinforced beams. Consider a simply supported beam subjected to bending under working loads. Since plane sections are assumed to remain plane after bending, strain is proportional to distance from the neutral … Read more


LOADS The reinforced concrete structures are designed to resist the following types of loads. (i) Dead loads (ii) Live loads or Imposed loads (iii) Wind loads (iv) Earthquake forces (v) Snow loads (vi) Shrinkage, creep and Temperature ellects. (vii) Other forces and effects DEAD LOADS Dead loads mainly due to self weight of structural members, … Read more


WORKING STRESS METHOD The stress strain curve of concrete is assumed as lingar from zero at the neutral axis to a maximum value at the extreme fiber Numbers determined by dividing ultimate stress by a factor of safety are used for concrete with a factor of safety of 3, and for steel with a different … Read more

STEEL REINFORCEMENT – Functions,Types of Reinforcement, Modulus of Elasticity and Unit Weight of STEEL

STEEL REINFORCEMENT (a) Its tensile strength is high (b) It can develop good bond with concrete. (c) In coefficient of expansion is nearly same as for concrete. (d) It is easily available. SIGNIFICANCE FUNCTIONS OF REINFORCEMENT IN R.C.C The reinforcement in RCC serves the following different types of functions. (1) To resist the bending tension … Read more

Types of Loads and deformation of the RCC Structures

Types of Loads and deformation of the RCC Structures Types of loads and deformation that materials and structures can experience 1.compression Imagine pushing down on a spring that compression It’s when a object squeeze or push together 2. tension never stretch to a rubber band that tension it’s when an object is pulled apart. Like … Read more


ADMIXTURES Admixtures are added to the concrete before or during mixing, to modify one or more of the specific properties of concrete in the fresh or hardened states. IS:9103-1979 lays down the procedures for evolution of admixtures for concrete The different types of admixtures used are given below. 1. Accelerating Admixtures: These are added to … Read more


CONCRETE Concrete structures have become very common in Civil engineering construction Concrete has established as a universal building material because of its high compressive strength, its adoptability to take any form and shape and resistant to fire and corrosion with negligible maintenance cost. Concrete is very strong in compression but very weak in tension. Its … Read more


BAR BENDING SCHEDULE  OF ONE WAY SLAB Additionally of BENDING SCHEDULE  OF ONE WAY SLAB ;  A one way slab is a type of R CC slap that’s supported by two opposite sites and is designed to primarily resist bending in one direction. One way slab are rectangular in shape with a thickness that varies … Read more

How to calculate the load in a column

How to calculate the load in a column whenever we start the construction process of a building, the first step we need to do is the excavation of the foundation and to start the excavation process, we need to know the size of the footing, which cannot be determined without knowing the load carried by … Read more