The bearing of the line OP, OQ, OR, OS , OT are N30°00’E, N87°45’E, S 25°15′ E, S35°25’W and N 40°35′ W find the included angle ∠POQ,∠QOR,∠ROS,∠SOT, and∠ TOP.

The bearing of the line OP, OQ, OR, OS , OT are N30°00’E, N87°45’E, S 25°15′ E, S35°25’W and N 40°35′ W find the included angle ∠POQ,∠QOR,∠ROS,∠SOT, and∠ TOP. SOLUTION : ∠ POQ = Bearing of OQ – bearing of OP =87°45′- 30°00′ = 57°45′ ∠ QOR = 180°-(bearing of OQ +bearing of OR) = … Read more

The bearings observed in a traverse survey, at a place where local attraction was suspected are given below. At what stations do you suspect local attraction? Find the corrected bearings of the lines.

The bearings observed in a traverse survey, at a place where local attraction was suspected are given below. At what stations do you suspect local attraction? Find the corrected bearings of the lines. Line  Fore bearing Back bearing PQ 124° 30′ 304° 30′ QR 68° 15′ 246° 00′ RS 310°30′ 135° 15′ SP 200° 15′  … Read more