IMPORTANT FORMULAE OF PROPERTIES OF FLUIDS 1. SPECIFIC WEIGHT ω= ρ/g 2. SPECIFIC VOLUME v= 1/ω 3. SPECIFIC GRAVITY = specific weight of that liquid/specific weight of water 4. COMPRESSIBILITY  = 1/K 5. BULK MODULUS  K = { (dp/dv)/v} 6. VISCOUS SHEAR STRESS  τ = τ = μ*(du/dy) 7. KINEMATIC VISCOSITY  v= μ / ρ, 8. … Read more

Q. If the equation of a velocity profile over a plate is V = 2 y2/3, in which ‘v’ is the velocity in mis at a distance of ‘y’ metres above the plate, Determine the shear stress at y = 0 and y = 0.075m (or) 7.5 сm.

Q. If the equation of a velocity profile over a plate is V = 2 y2/3, in which ‘v’ is the velocity in mis at a distance of ‘y’ metres above the plate, Determine the shear stress at y = 0 and y = 0.075m (or) 7.5 сm. Given: µ = 0.835 N.S/m² SOLUTION: The … Read more

Calculate the Specific weight and mass density of an oil of weight 150 kN and occupies a volume of 15 m³.

Q. Calculate the Specific weight and mass density of an oil of weight 150 kN and occupies a volume of 15 m³. SOLUTION Weight of oil, W = 150kN = 150 * 1000N Volume of oil V = 15m ^ 3 Specific weight of oil w = ? Mass density ρ = ? SPECIFIC WEIGHT … Read more

Q. Calculate the specific mass, specific weight and specifie gravity of one litre of liquid their weights 12N.

Q. Calculate the specific mass, specific weight and specifie gravity of one litre of liquid their weights 12N. Solution: Volume of liquid V = 1 litre Weight of liquid w = 12N MASS m = w/g = 12/9.81 = 1.223kg SPECIFIC MASS = mass/ volume = (1223g)/(1000c * m ^ 3) = 1.223g / cm^3 … Read more


CLASSIFICATION OF OPEN CHANNEL CLASSIFICATION OF OPEN CHANNEL :  An open channel is a passage which conveys water at atmospheric pressure, under the influence of a gravitational force. In other words it is a conduit in which water flows with its surface in contact with the atmosphere. Flows in irrigation channels, streams and rivers, navigation … Read more


MEASUREMENT OF LIQUID PRESSURE MEASUREMENT of LIQUID  PRESSURE various devices used for measuring liquid pressure may be classified as, (a) Manometers (b) Mechanical gauges. (a) MANOMETERS  Manometers are further classified as. 1. Simple Manometers 2. Differential Manometers Simple Manometers measure pressure at a point in the liquid contained in a pipe or vessel. Differential manometers … Read more


    Properties of fluids   Properties of  Fluids mainly possesses the following properties : 1. Mass density 2. Specific Weight 3. Specific volume 4. Specific gravity 5. Compressibility 6. Viscosity 7. Surface tension 8. Capillarity Mass Density Mass density (or specific mass) of a fluid is its mass per unit volume. It is denoted … Read more