Determine the viscosity of a liquid having kinematic viscosity 6 stokes and specific gravity 1.9.

Q. Determine the viscosity of a liquid having kinematic viscosity 6 stokes and specific gravity 1.9. SOLUTION: Kinematic viscosity u = 6 stokes = 6cm²/ s = 6 * 10-⁴m²/ s Sp. Gravity of liquid = Density of liquid/Density of water 1.9=Density of liquid/ 1000 Density of liquid= 1000×1.9=1900kg / (m³) . Using the relations … Read more

Q. Find the kinematic viscosity of an oil having density 981 kg / (m ^ 3) . The shear stress at a point in oil is 0.2452N / (m ^ 2) and velocity gradient at that point is 0.2 per second.

 Q. Find the kinematic viscosity of an oil having density 981 kg / (m ^ 3) . The shear stress at a point in oil is 0.2452N / (m ^ 2) and velocity gradient at that point is 0.2 per second. SOLUTION: Mass density,rho = 981kg / (m³) Shear stress, τ = 0.2452N / (m²) … Read more

Two horizontal plates are placed 1.25 cm apart, the space between them being filled with oil of viscosity 14 poises. Calculate the shear stress in oil if upper plate is moved with a velocity of 2.5 m/s.

 Q. Two horizontal plates are placed 1.25 cm apart, the space between them being filled with oil of viscosity 14 poises. Calculate the shear stress in oil if upper plate is moved with a velocity of 2.5 m/s. SOLUTION: Given: Distance between plates, dy 1.25 cm = 0.0125 m Viscosity μ = 14 poise = … Read more