Convert the following reduced bearings to whole circle bearings: (a) N 46° 30′ E (b) N60°30’W (c) S 80° 00′ E, (d) S 20°00′ W

Convert the following reduced bearings to whole circle bearings:(a) N 46° 30′ E(b) N60°30’W(c) S 80° 00′ E,(d) S 20°00′ W SOLUTIONS: ( a ) N 46° 30′ E Rule: For 1 Quadrant WCB Of = RB= 46° 30′   ( It is First Quadrant ) (b) S 80°  00′ E Rule : It is a … Read more

COMPASS SURVEYING — Purpose, Principles, Field Procedure, Errors And Precautions

COMPASS SURVEYING — Purpose, Principles, Field Procedure, Errors And Precautions In chain surveying the area to be surveyed is divided into connected triangles and only linear measurements are taken The chain surveying is suitable when the area to be surveyed is small and fairly flat. However, when the area to be surveyed is large, then … Read more