plot the following cross staff Survey of a field ABCDEFG and calculate its area in hectares

plot the following cross staff Survey of a field ABCDEFG and calculate its area in hectares Soultion: show the field ABCDEFG . The calculations of area are listed in the Following table S. NO figure chainage Base offset mean Offset Area Remark  1 ΔAQB o to 200 200 0 to 130 65 13,000  2. Trapezium … Read more


FORE AND BACK BEARINGS In compass surveying, two bearings are observed for the each line, one from each end. Fore Bearing: The bearing of a line measured in the direction of the progress of survey is called Fore Bearing or Forward Bearing (FB) of a line AB Back Bearing: The bearing of a line measured … Read more


CLASSIFICATION OF SURVEYING Surveys may be classified in four different ways, they are discussed as under 1. Classification Based on Instruments Used: (a) Chain Survey: It is done by using chain or tape, by measuring linear distances. Metric chains 20 or 30 m are used. The principle used is chain triangulation, in this method the … Read more