plot the following cross staff Survey of a field ABCDEFG and calculate its area in hectares

plot the following cross staff Survey of a field ABCDEFG and calculate its area in hectares Soultion: show the field ABCDEFG . The calculations of area are listed in the Following table S. NO figure chainage Base offset mean Offset Area Remark  1 ΔAQB o to 200 200 0 to 130 65 13,000  2. Trapezium … Read more

Plot the following cross-staff survey of a field and calculate its area in hectares. All distances noted in the field book are in metres 

Plot the following cross-staff survey of a field and calculate its area in hectares. All distances noted in the field book are in metres    solution : shows the plotting of field notes of the given area not to scale. The area Can be Found out in the Following manner. 1. Area of triangle AHB … Read more

Q. A Survey line ABDE intersects a building between Band D. To overcome the obstacle a perpendicular BC 90 m long, is set out at B. From C, two lines CD and CE are set out at angles 45º and 60 respectively with CB. Find the lengths CD and CE such that points D and E fall on the prolongation of line AB. Also find the obstructed distance BD.

Q. A Survey line ABDE intersects a building between Band D. To overcome the obstacle a perpendicular BC 90 m long, is set out at B. From C, two lines CD and CE are set out at angles 45º and 60 respectively with CB. Find the lengths CD and CE such that points D and … Read more


OBSTACLES IN CHAIN SURVEYING OBSTACLES IN CHAIN SURVEYING   The objects, which create obstruction or difficulty in continuing the chaining of a survey line, are called obstacles. There are many obstacles which create obstruction to the chaining or ranging, they may be pond, Hill, river, valley, building etc. Various methods are adopted to overcome these … Read more