The following interior angles were measured in a compass closed traverse. The bearing of the line AB was measured 150° 15′ with prismatic compass. Calculate the bearings of all the other lines. If ∠A =209°45′, ∠B= 50°15′,∠C=95°15′,∠D= 102 °15′ and ∠E=82°30′

The following interior angles were measured in a compass closed traverse. The bearing of the line AB was measured 150° 15′ with prismatic compass. Calculate the bearings of all the other lines. If ∠A =209°45′, ∠B= 50°15′,∠C=95°15′,∠D= 102 °15′ and ∠E=82°30′ SOLUTION : First check for interior angles of a closed traverse ∠ A+∠B+∠C +∠D … Read more

A closed compass traverse PQRS is run with prismatic compass in a clockwise direction

A closed compass traverse PQRS is run with prismatic compass in a clockwise direction Line Fore bearing  Back bearing PQ 50° 00′ 230°00′ QR 170° 00′ 350°00′ RS 230°00′ 50°00′ SP 310°00′ 130° 00′ calculate the included angles of the traverse PQRS and apply the Usual check SOLUTION : Line Fore bearing  Back bearing Difference … Read more