Q.A square ABCD of 40 mm side has it’s corner A is in H.P. Its diagonal AC inclined at 30° to the H.P. and the diagonal BD inclined at 45° to the V.P. and parallel to the H.P. draw its projection.
Q.A square ABCD of 40 mm side has it’s corner A is in H.P. Its diagonal AC inclined at 30° to the H.P. and the diagonal BD inclined at 45° to the V.P. and parallel to the H.P. draw its projection.
Construction: Steps to be followed
1. Draw the xy line.
2. Draw the top view abcd such that the square lamina is on H.P. with one of its diagonal 1 ler to x – y
3. Then a’b’c’d on the xy line is the corresponding elevation of the square lamina for the first stage (i).
4. Redraw the elevation such that a’ is on the xy line and make an angle at 30° with the xy line. This gives the elevation for second stage (ii).
5. Draw vertical projectors through a’b’c’d’ in second stage and horizontal projectors through a, b, c, d of the first stage. These two projectors intersects at a_{1} b_{1} c_{1} and d₁. Join them.
6. Redraw the second stage plane a_{1} by, c_{1} d_{1} such that the diagonal by d₁ of the square lamina is inclined to the xy line at 45°. This gives the elevation for third stage (iii).
7. Then taking vertical projectors through the third stage plane a b c d, and horizontal projectors through the second stage elevation a,b,c,d, plot their Corresponding intersection points. These points when joined in a systematic order gives the final elevation a’b’c’d of the square lamina.