Kani’s Method
Kani’s method was introduced by Dr. Gasper Kani for the analysis of rigid frame structures, It is the extension of slope deflectid niethod. This method distributes the total joint moments at any stage of the iteration which cannot be done by monies distribution method, as it distributes only the unbalanced moments.
Terminology Used in Kani’s Method
1.Fixed end moments.
2.Rotation contribution
(a) Moment due to the rotation at near end. (b) Moment due to the rotation at far end.
3. Displacement contributions.
Advantages of Kani’s Method
1.Kani’s method is self corrective Le, it does not require any separate iterations for sway corrections to maintain the force equilibrium.
2.In this method, the moment distribution of total joint can be carried out at any stage of iteration.
3 Kani’s method is simple and best method to solve the unknown deformations in framed structures which are rarely symmetric and subjected to side sway.
Rotation factor
Rotation factor is equal to minus half of the ratio of relative stiffness of a member at the joint to the total relative stiffnes of all the members, meeting at that joint.
Displacement factors :
Displacement factors for the columns are calculated using the expression,
D. F = – 3/2 * (K/(Sigma*K))
K = Stiffness of column. ΣΚ = Total stiffness of all the member meeting at joint.
Stiffness of Joint
Stiffness of any joint in a structural member is the force required to produce a unit displacement at that joint.