With any point O as centre and radius equal to length of the side, draw a circle. With the same radius and starting from any points A on the circle, cut the circle successively at B, C, D, E and F. Connect the sides BC, CD, DE, EF and FA and complete the hexagon. If any two parallel sides are to be vertical as shown in Fig 5.18 the imaginary line, connecting A and centre of the circle, O, should be vertical. If, any parallel sides are to be horizontal, then the imaginary line OA should be horizontal.
METHOD II (Using Set Square):
By means of a compass the above hexagon is drawn with the aid of the 30° to 60° set squares also, the same can be drawn as follows.
Draw a line AB to the given dimensions. B as centre draw a line BC equal to AB by the support of 30° side of the set square (or) marking 30º at B by means of the protractor (or a mini drafter). From C and A draw again 30º lines to BA and BC respectively. Similarly from D and F lines are drawn so as to obtain point E. Now ABCDEF is a regular hexagon as shown in Fig.
Most of the engineering parts are fastened by means of bolts and nuts. Generally the bolt heads and nuts are made of hexagonal shape.