The soil are classified into various classifications based on index properties of soil.
1. Textural classification
2. LS. classification
3. M.1.T. classification (Massachult Institute of Technology)
4. L.R.C classification
5. Structural classification
6. Rough classification
We restrict our study to first three types.
Textural Classification of Soils
It is based on grain size distribution of the soil and is used to classify such as sand, silt and clay. A typical textural classification chart for subgrade soils of sand and smaller grain sizes as per U.S. Bureau of public roads are given below. The proportions of sand, silt and clay are plotted along the three sides of an equilateral triangle and their boundary lines are drawn.
Particle Size Classification of Soils by I.S.I (M.I.T. classification)
The M.I.T. classification (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) is the most widely accepted classification system. The I.S.I has adopted almost the same limits of M.LT system for the Indian Standard Classification System of soil grains.