Compute the back bearings for the following reduced bearings.(a)  S 79° 04′ E(b)N 88°12’W (C) N 28° 12′ E (d) S 4° 12′ W 

Compute the back bearings for the following reduced bearings.(a)  S 79° 04′ E(b)N 88°12’W (C) N 28° 12′ E (d) S 4° 12′ W 


(a) The fore bearing = S 79’04 ‘E.

back bearing of= N 79° 04’N.  ( It is a opposite direction remaining value is same )

(b) The fore bearing of = N88°12’W

Back bearing= S 88°12’E( It is a opposite direction remaining value is same )

(c) The Fore bearing = N28°12′ E

Back bearing = S28° 12′ W ( It is a opposite direction remaining value is same )

(d) The Fore bearing = S 4° 12′ W

Back bearing = N 4° 12’ E

Note :

In the QB System the FB and BB are numerically equal but the quadrant are just opposite

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