Q.A line LM 70mm long, has its end L 10 mm above H.P and 15 mm infront of V.P. Its top view and front view measures 60 mm and 40 mm respectively. Draw the projection of the line and determine its inclination with H.P. and V.P.

Q.A line LM 70mm long, has its end L 10 mm above H.P and 15 mm infront of V.P. Its top view and front view measures 60 mm and 40 mm respectively. Draw the projection of the line and determine its inclination with H.P. and V.P. SOLUTION Construction: Steps to be followed: 1. Draw a … Read more

Q.A square ABCD of 40 mm side has it’s corner A is in H.P. Its diagonal AC inclined at 30° to the H.P. and the diagonal BD inclined at 45° to the V.P. and parallel to the H.P. draw its projection.

Q.A square ABCD of 40 mm side has it’s corner A is in H.P. Its diagonal AC inclined at 30° to the H.P. and the diagonal BD inclined at 45° to the V.P. and parallel to the H.P. draw its projection. SOLUTION  Construction: Steps to be followed 1. Draw the xy line. 2. Draw the … Read more

Q.Draw the projection of a regular hexagon of 50 mm side, having one of ite sides in the H.P. and inclined at 60° to the V.P. and its a surface making an angle of 45° to the H.P.

Q.Draw the projection of a regular hexagon of 50 mm side, having one of ite sides in the H.P. and inclined at 60° to the V.P. and its a surface making an angle of 45° to the H.P. SOLUTION Construction: Steps to be followed: 1. Draw the xy line. 2. Draw the top view abcdef … Read more

Q.A circular plate of 40 mm and negligible thickness rests of H.P. makes an angle 45º to it and one of its diameter is inclined to V.P. at 30. Draw the projection keeping distance of the centre of the plate is 40 mm in front of the V.P.

Q.A circular plate of 40 mm and negligible thickness rests of H.P. makes an angle 45º to it and one of its diameter is inclined to V.P. at 30. Draw the projection keeping distance of the centre of the plate is 40 mm in front of the V.P. SOLUTION: Construction: Steps to be followed 1. … Read more


PROJECTION OF PLANES Up to now, it is studied only the projections of points and lines which are single dimensional. Rhe plane is a two dimensional (Fig. 6.24) the views are to be studied here in the first angle method as is included in SP-46-1998. (A) PLANE PERPENDICULAR TO BOTH, THE PLANES. Q. Draw the … Read more

Q.A line EF, 85 mm long has its end E, 25 mm above the HP and 20 mm in front of the VP. The top and front views of the line have lengths of 55 mm and 70 mm respectively. Draw the projections of the line and find its true inclinations with the VP and the HP

Q.A line EF, 85 mm long has its end E, 25 mm above the HP and 20 mm in front of the VP. The top and front views of the line have lengths of 55 mm and 70 mm respectively. Draw the projections of the line and find its true inclinations with the VP and … Read more

Q.A line PF 65 mm long has its end P. 15 mm above the HP and 15 mm infront of the VP. It is inclined at 55 to the HP 35 to the VP. Draw its projections of the line.

Q.A line PF 65 mm long has its end P. 15 mm above the HP and 15 mm infront of the VP. It is inclined at 55 to the HP 35 to the VP. Draw its projections of the line. SOLUTION: Steps: 1. Since the sum of inclinations (6+4) of the line with the principle … Read more

Q.A line EF, 75 mm long is in the first quadrant with end E in the HP and end F in the VP. The line is inclined at 30° to the HP and at 45° to the VP. Draw the projections of the line EF.

Q.A line EF, 75 mm long is in the first quadrant with end E in the HP and end F in the VP. The line is inclined at 30° to the HP and at 45° to the VP. Draw the projections of the line EF.  Solution: Steps: 1. The plan / of F and the … Read more

Q.A line NS 80 mm long has its end N, 10 mm above the HP and 15 mm in front of the VP. The other end 5 is 65 mm above the HP and 30 mm in front of the VP. Draw the projections of the line and find its true inclinations with the HP and the VP. 

Q.A line NS 80 mm long has its end N, 10 mm above the HP and 15 mm in front of the VP. The other end 5 is 65 mm above the HP and 30 mm in front of the VP. Draw the projections of the line and find its true inclinations with the HP … Read more

Q.Draw the projection of a line 60 mm in length which is making the angles of 35° to V.Pand 55° to H.P and touching both the planes.

Q.Draw the projection of a line 60 mm in length which is making the angles of 35° to V.Pand 55° to H.P and touching both the planes. SOLUTION: (1) From any point on x-y line draw the initial top view a b, considering the line is initially 55° to H.P and parallel to V.P (Here … Read more