A closed compass traverse PQRS is run with prismatic compass in a clockwise direction

A closed compass traverse PQRS is run with prismatic compass in a clockwise direction

Line Fore bearing  Back bearing
PQ 50° 00′ 230°00′
QR 170° 00′ 350°00′
RS 230°00′ 50°00′
SP 310°00′ 130° 00′

calculate the included angles of the traverse PQRS and apply the Usual check


Line Fore bearing  Back bearing Difference
PQ 50° 00′ 230°00′ 180°
QR 170° 00′ 350°00′  180°
RS 230°00′ 50°00′ 180°
SP 310°00′ 130° 00′ 180°

From the above table it is observed that F. B and B.B difference of all the Lines are 180° so there is no local attraction and no correction is required and they are shown in the Following figure

Calculation of interior angles with  reference to above Fig 

interior ∠ P = B.B of SP – F.B of PQ

= 130°00′ -50°00′


Interior ∠Q= B.B Of PQ – F. B of PQ

= 230°-170°


Interior ∠R = B. B Of QR – F.B  Of RS



interior ∠S =360° – (F. B Of SP- B.B Of SR )

= 360°- (310°-50′)

= 100°


sum of interior angles =∠P+∠ Q +∠R+∠S 



should be Equal to ( 2N -4 ) x 90.  ( N= no of angles )

= (2×4-4 ) x 90

= 360°

Hence calculated Interior angles are correct 

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